Our Legal Services
Many people with questions about their injuries or medical care are reluctant to seek legal assistance. At Renaud Law Group, we make it easy for our clients.
We offer a free, no-obligation initial consultation. We then collect medical records, review the facts of your case, and consult with independent doctors and experts.
We will take your case only if we know we are the right lawyers for you. If we are not the best professionals to represent you, we will refer you to others who may be better able to help.
We take cases on contingency, meaning you owe us no fee if we are unable to secure a favourable settlement or verdict for you. Legal fees come out of any settlement or verdict. We are only paid when we win.
Lawyer Don Renaud founded the firm to provide accessible legal services to people injured through no fault of their own throughout BC. He leads a team with a track record of success assisting victims of medical and other types of negligence secure the best life possible. Renaud Law Group is skilled at helping families obtain the financial support they need when faced with challenging medical circumstances, with notable achievement in complex traumatic brain injury cases.
Renaud Law Group has extensive experience with a variety of medical malpractice and personal injury claims. The firm focuses on victims of medical negligence, particularly birth injury resulting in cerebral palsy, orthopedic and surgical errors.
The Greater Vancouver office is located in Burnaby and our Vancouver Island office is located in Victoria. Renaud Law Group serves clients throughout Western Canada.